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Hopefully: The Debate Over Its Usage Episode 117

Hopefully: The Debate Over Its Usage

· 04:08

Title: Hopefully: The Debate Over Its Usage

Hello, linguaphiles! Welcome back to Grammar Lab, your friendly guide to navigating the intricacies of the English language. Each episode, we uncap the test tubes and peer through the linguistic microscope to help you speak and write more confidently.

Today, we're stirring up a grammar reactant that's been causing a reaction among language enthusiasts for decades. It's the adverb 'hopefully,' and trust us, you'll want to stay tuned if you've ever found yourself on one side of the debate or... hopefully you're just curious.

If you have questions or themes that you would like for us to address in the horoscope, please get in touch at grammarlab@pagepods.com.

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